
The importance of skin care from outside and inside

Skin care is an important part of Aēstec's holistic vision: your appearance alone says nothing about who you are.

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The importance of skin care from outside and inside

As we age, our skin loses tightness. We also produce less collagen and hyaluronic acid, which means that the elasticity in our skin is lost. There are wrinkles, wrinkles and imperfections that we don't always like. It is extremely important to take good care of your skin. Not only your face and hands, but also your torso and limbs need care. In addition to the fact that there are all kinds of tubes and jars with fantastic creams, it is also important to take care of your skin from within. This is part of Aēstec's holistic vision: your appearance alone says nothing about who you are.

Why healthy eating is important

If you only eat junk food, you may notice that your skin becomes oilier and you may even get pimples or red spots. Junk food has so few healthy vitamins and minerals that our body cannot process them properly. This is reflected, among other things, in having unhealthier skin. When you adjust your diet to healthy fats, minerals and vitamins (and no, this does not just consist of salads and supplements), you will immediately notice a difference in your skin. Your skin gets a healthy glow and you'll glow again!

Danger of sugars

Sugars accelerate the skin aging process. This is because sugars cause glycation. This is a process in which harmful substances affect collagen. And that while you already produce less collagen as you get older. So you can really get wrinkles from sugars. Sugars also make your skin more sensitive to acne.

At Aēstec, we know it's really not that easy to completely eliminate sugars from your diet. In addition to sweets, cookies and soft drinks, sugar is also found in sauces, pizza and bread. Your body also converts certain carbohydrates into sugars, which also cause glycation.

What can you eat then?

Processed foods are actually a no-go. Those ready-to-eat bags of soup? Get rid of it. Move away from bags and packs and use fresh produce. Fats are healthy for you, just like nuts and seeds and a variety of vegetables. A day at the market is a fun trip to get fresh vegetables and fish. And if you can't choose between all those pieces of fruit: the more color a fruit or vegetable has, the more antioxidants it likes.

From food to cleansing

Nutrition determines how healthy you are, but also how healthy your skin is. When your skin is in top condition, let us find out what types of cleanses and creams your skin needs. Because in addition to all the healthy food, you always have the particulate matter in the air that are harmful to your skin. This is especially the case when you live in the city. That is why it is good and important to know which remedies suit your skin and to cleanse your face twice a day. Both in the morning to get the night sweat out of your face and in the evening to get the particulate matter out of your face.

You can do this with water to refresh the skin, but it is also important to supplement this with, for example, a mild face wash or tonic. By using this effectively every day, you prevent blockages in the skin and get a beautiful, smooth skin again, without wrinkles, imperfections and wrinkles.

Do you want to know more about the condition of your skin and find out which remedies suit your skin type? Feel free to contact us.

Shall we get acquainted?

Do you already know what you want, or do you want more information first? Together with the cosmetic doctor, you will discuss the options and receive a personal treatment plan. The first consultation is always free of charge.

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