Treatment zone

Ageing Hands

What is it?

Hands have a skin structure all their own. Due to their thin skin and exposure to external factors such as wind, cold, water, household products and sunlight, they can fall victim to premature skin ageing. As the skin texture of the hands changes, it becomes visibly thinner and drier, veins become more visible and wrinkles and blemishes may appear.

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Did you know?

The changes, dehydration and chronic skin fragility specific to the hands are mainly due to the reduction in the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid.

What are the causes?

The natural ageing process

There is nothing we can do about it! Over time, the skin dries out, the natural production of collagen and elastin slows down, facial muscles lose their tone and cell renewal decreases: all these factors explain the loss of volume that occurs. Moreover, the reduction in subcutaneous fat volume accentuates the hollows of certain parts of the face, such as dark circles and the nasolabial fold.

Exposure to the sun

Sun exposure, especially if not accompanied by UV protection, leads to an increase in melanin production, a decrease in collagen and elastin production, a thickening of certain areas of the skin and clearly promotes dryness. Gradually, the structure of the skin changes and becomes visibly less firm.

Bad living habits

Tobacco and/or alcohol consumption, stress, lack of exercise, a diet rich in sugar... As we know, lifestyle habits have a direct impact on our health, but also on that of our skin. To promote the production of collagen and elastin and to enable our skin to better protect itself against external influences (UV rays, wind, pollution...), it is essential to pay particular attention to our lifestyle!

How to prevent?

Good hydration

The skin contains on average 75% water, an essential element for the proper functioning of cells. Better protected against external influences (UV rays, pollution, wind, heat, cold, humidity and dryness), the skin ages less quickly! 

To keep your skin supple and smooth and your complexion radiant, use a high-quality moisturiser that suits your skin type and needs... and which allows you to absorb about 1.5 l water per day!

Adequate skin protection

To limit any direct contact with household products, which can be particularly aggressive to the skin, it is strongly recommended to wear household or washing-up gloves to protect the skin of the hands. 

In addition, it is important to use mild, pH-neutral soap for washing hands to respect the skin's natural protective barrier. 

Finally, the application of sunscreen - preferably mineral-based - is essential. As with the face and the rest of the body, sunscreen on the hands will reduce the appearance of spots and wrinkles and effectively fight against sagging skin.

Results of treatment

How to treat?


Restore volume to the hands with Radiesse® - filler that stimulates the natural production of collagen and firms the skin from the inside out. Veins become less visible and the hands look smooth and young again.

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Do you already know what you want, or would you like more information first? Together with the cosmetic doctor you can discuss the options and you will receive a personal treatment plan. The first consultation is always free and without obligation.

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