
I already have experience with injectables

Do you have previous experience with injectables and are over 40 years old? Then we recommend starting with the Aēslift with hyaluronic acid fillers

I already have experience with injectables
aestec fillers

Do you have previous experience with injectables and are over 40 years old? Then we recommend starting with the Aēslift with hyaluronic acid fillers

The result


The easiest and most effective way to combat sagging skin and look fresh again.


Complete control: it is possible to carry out the treatment in several steps.


You need not fear a tightened face. The Aēslift is scientifically proven for natural-looking results


The cost of the Aēslift depends on age, sagging skin and your needs. Below are the two options most commonly used:

Option 1: Full results in days/weeks

Maximum results can be achieved within just a few days to weeks. The rate starts from 3000 euros.


Starts from €3,000
Maximum results

Option 2: Full results in months/years

Full result to be achieved in desired steps. Maximum result is then built up over months/years. Starts from 1000 euros. 


Start from €1,000
Maximum results

When should I start?

Fact: the aging process gets faster and faster the older you get. Therefore, when in doubt about a major treatment, we recommend starting already with a small step, rather than postponing it to the future. The result is more beautiful and financially beneficial because less amount of fillers is needed in the end.

It often happens that we can no longer help some people, then there is already too much skin sagging. Our doctors will point this out. Wondering if the Aēslift can also give you a fresh appearance again? 

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